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James Conway

  • Professor

    Education & Training

  • Massey University, New Zealand, B.S. 1985 in Physics
  • Massey University, New Zealand, Ph.D. 1989 in Biophysics
  • National Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD, USA 1990-1996
Representative Publications

Huet A, Oh B, Maurer J, Duda RL & Conway JF. A symmetry mismatch unraveled: How phage HK97 scaffold flexibly accommodates a 12-fold pore at a 5-fold viral capsid vertex. Sci Adv 9, eadg8868, 2023.

Goetschius DJ, Hartmann SR, Organtini LJ, Callaway H, Huang K, Bator CM, Ashley RE, Makhov AM, Conway JF, Parrish CR & Hafenstein SL. High-resolution asymmetric structure of a Fab-virus complex reveals overlap with the receptor binding site. PNAS USA 118, e2025452118, 2021.

Campbell PL, Duda RL, Nassur J, Conway JF & Huet A. Mobile Loops and Electrostatic Interactions Maintain the Flexible Tail Tube of Bacteriophage Lambda. J Mol Biol 432, 384-395, 2020.

Huet A, Duda RL, Boulanger P & Conway JF. Capsid expansion of bacteriophage T5 revealed by high resolution cryoelectron microscopy.  PNAS 116, 21037-21046, 2019.

Huet A, Makhov AM, Huffman JB, Vos M, Homa FL & Conway JF. Extensive subunit contacts underpin herpesvirus capsid stability and interior-to-exterior allostery. Nat Struct Mol Biol 23, 531-539, 2016.

Research Interests

The structure and function of macromolecular complexes, such as virus capsids, is accessible to cryo-electron microscopy for detailing protein folds and interfaces that determine function. Particular systems being studied include herpesviruses and dsDNA bacteriophages such as HK97, D3, T5 and others, These tailed phages have important structural similarities with each other and with herpesvirus, indicating a long evolutionary connection between them. The dynamic aspects of the virus lifecycle – assembly, DNA packaging, infection and DNA delivery – are often better suited to cryoEM study than crystallography. The recent technological advances in cryoEM allow the symmetry-breaking portal vertex of these capsids to be studied in detail, as well as the entire tail and tail-tip complexes. Further developments in modeling, including AlphaFold and Model Angelo, allow rapid fitting of protein sequences into density maps to reveal the complete organization of the capsid assembly machinery and the host recognition and infection complexes. Ultimately, we aim to characterize the structural and functional repertoire of a virus throughout its lifecycle, which will have benefits in understanding protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions as well as the evolution of protein structure, and in developing new targets for interfering with viral infection and replication, and technological application of the knowledge.

Research Grants

Structure and assembly of dsDNA tailed bacteriophages
9/23/2022 – 8/31/2026
R01 GM144981 – PI                                                                                   

Structure and function of the portal vertex on the herpes simplex virus capsid
4/15/2021 – 3/31/2026
R01 AI154646 – co-PI with FL Homa